
Did you know that the Manufactured Housing Association has a long history?

The beginning

The manufactured housing association movement in Canada began with the incorporation of the Canadian Manufactured Housing Institute in 1953.

In Atlantic Canada, the Mobile Home, Travel Trailer and Park Association of New Brunswick was formed in early 1970s. In 1981, the Association decided to name our fledgling organization the New Brunswick Manufactured Homes and Parks Association.

The Mobile Home, Travel Trailer and Parks Association of Nova Scotia was formed in 1973 and incorporated in 1974. In 1995 the name was changed to the Manufactured Housing Association of Nova Scotia.


On January 1st, 2001 both the New Brunswick and Nova Scotia independent Manufactured Housing Associations made the crucial decision to amalgamate into one. The new name chosen for this merger was the Manufactured Housing Association of Atlantic Canada (MHAAC).

Since 2001 the organization has grown exponentially and continues to make a huge difference in the large and productive manufacturing housing industry. The MHAAC assists our members in all four Atlantic Canada provinces.

While the benefits of the amalgamation are many, here are just a few:

  • Amalgamation gave our members a stronger voice: we can now say that we have national, provincial, and municipal government agencies consulting with us so that we no longer have to address unfavourable issues after the fact. We can be proactive instead of reactive.
  • Amalgamation pools resources to provide a dedicated staff and Board of Directors who continually
    increase the profile and effectiveness of the association.
  • Our members now have access to a broader range of activities.
    The MHAAC warmly welcomes all former, existing, new, and prospective members to its ranks
    and promises a mutually beneficial relationship.

Key Accomplishments

We are judged positively by the many accomplishments that we have achieved over the past few years. Here are just a few…

  • We have assisted the Canadian Manufactured Housing Institute (CMHI) in the development of the Chattel Loan Program (CLP).
  • Provided input as it related to GST Housing Rebates
  • The MHAAC has developed a standardized Landlord Consent form for lending institutions
  • We have assisted in the development of the governmental transportation Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Atlantic Canada
  • We have developed a government endorsed, Stamped and Engineered Cargo Securement document approved for Atlantic Canada and have made it available to our membership
  • The MHAAC has assisted the government in improvements to the Nova Scotia Residential Tenancies Act
  • We have succeeded in reducing building permit fees for manufactured homes in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia
  • We have ensured that Manufactured Housing is included in Nova Scotia government incentive rebate programs
  • We have required inclusion of Land Lease Communities in the Nova Scotia Assessment Cap Program
  • Influence – Most government departments now come to the MHAAC for valuable input prior to making any regulatory changes
  • We have provided valuable input on the proposed changes to CSA-A277, CSA Z-240 and CSA Z-240.10.1 codes
  • We co-operate and share best practices with other Regional Associations across the Country
  • Assisted with the repeal of the Land Lease Community By-law in Lunenburg County

For further information about our key accomplishments, please contact the MHAAC Toll Free at 1.888.341.4663

Become a Member

Become a member of our non-profit organization of industry leaders and become a valued part of our decision-making process.

Have a voice in the direction, promotion and growth of the manufactured housing industry.

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